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:: Volume 4, Issue 5 (9-2024) ::
3 2024, 4(5): 69-82 Back to browse issues page
About the Independence of the Artist's Opinion and Its Analysis Based on Post-colonial Perspective under the Pretext of a Critical Look at the 183 Times by Greg Haines.
Milad Mahmoodi Nosar
Abstract:   (114 Views)
Artistic creation is one of the important aspects of human life that has complex interactions with other aspects such as culture, society, economy, and politics. Therefore, artists have always had an important social role in directing public opinion and the type of interaction with power and political aspects of human society. They have always been expected to have a rights-seeking view and independence in their opinions while facing these issues. "183 times," a musical work composed by Greg Haines, an English composer, in protest against the torture of a suspect of the 11th September terrorist attacks, is one such case that is critically examined here and used as a basis for further analysis.
While it is evident that not all artists throughout history possess such virtues and fall into this category, and we have witnessed many unscrupulous and corrupt behaviors from them, it still seems that in today's world, with all the requirements and characteristics of modern lifestyles, the same positive expectations are maintained for artists from Eastern and non-Western nations. However, the problem arises from the fact that after several centuries of colonialism, the Eastern perspective has been heavily influenced by the Western definition imposed upon it. The Eastern man's view is often shaped by the definitions imposed by the West, leading to a distorted self-perception.

The post-colonial perspective in humanities has shed light on the effects of colonialism on the thought and life of non-Western nations. In this view, the Eastern man is often considered as an inferior "other" who aspires to be like the Western self. Such influences pose threats to the independence of an artist's opinions and thoughts, distorting their thinking significantly. Therefore, this article aims to examine this issue from a post-colonial standpoint through qualitative analysis of existing sources. It appears that this deficiency is prevalent among artists from third-world countries.
Keywords: Independence of the artist's opinion, Post-colonialism analysis, Art & politics, Music, Greg Haines, 183 Times.
Full-Text [PDF 392 kb]   (234 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research |
Received: 2024/05/17 | Accepted: 2024/09/4 | Published: 2024/09/20
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Mahmoodi Nosar M. About the Independence of the Artist's Opinion and Its Analysis Based on Post-colonial Perspective under the Pretext of a Critical Look at the 183 Times by Greg Haines.. 3 2024; 4 (5) :69-82
URL: http://art-studies.ir/article-1-135-en.html

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Volume 4, Issue 5 (9-2024) Back to browse issues page
Advanced Studies of Art
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